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What it means to be human in the era of AI

Pursue your passions and create meaningful experiences

As we enter the era of AI, I feel a mix of excitement and anxiety about what the future holds. On one hand, we stand to benefit greatly from AI tools and platforms that will make our lives easier and more convenient (1). On the other hand, there’s a fear that AI will take over jobs and tasks that humans currently do, leaving us with uncertain futures and a loss of purpose (2).

But what does it mean to be human in the era of AI? And how can we ensure that we continue to thrive and find meaning in a world where machines may be able to do much of the work that we do today?

One thing to consider is that as AI becomes more human-like in the next 10-20 years, it will also give us more time to focus on what makes us uniquely human: our ability to connect on a deeper and more compassionate level, to be creative and expressive, and to seek out new experiences and knowledge (3).

In this new world, access to information and services will be more important than ownership, and schools, as we know them, may not exist in the traditional sense (4). Instead, learning will take place anytime, anywhere, through AI-enabled chatbots and mentors guiding our personal learning journeys. We won’t have to memorize everything, because our personal assistants will be able to pull up any information we need in an instant (5).

This shift may lead us to reevaluate our priorities and how we choose to spend our time. Rather than being defined by our jobs and the work we do, we may find new ways to pursue our passions and create meaningful experiences for ourselves (6).

As for the future of work and the potential impact of AI on employment, it’s important for governments to consider measures like basic income solutions to ensure that everyone has a sustainable quality of life (7). But it’s also up to each of us as individuals to embrace the opportunities that AI presents and find ways to adapt and contribute value in a changing world (8).


Some of the potential impacts include:

  • Changes in the job market: As AI takes over certain tasks and jobs, it’s possible that certain types of employment will become obsolete. At the same time, new types of jobs and opportunities may emerge as a result of the advancement of AI.

  • Changes in the way we learn and access information: As mentioned earlier, the traditional model of education may shift as learning becomes more personalized and accessible through AI-enabled platforms.

  • Changes in the way we live and work: AI may make it possible for us to work and live more efficiently, potentially giving us more time to pursue our passions and interests.

  • Changes in the way we interact and connect with others: AI may alter the way we communicate and interact with each other, potentially leading to both positive and negative impacts on our relationships and sense of community.

In a world where humans are freed from the need to work, it’s likely that we would have a lot more time to pursue our interests and passions. Some people might choose to engage in hobbies and creative pursuits, such as art, music, and writing. Others might focus on personal development and self-improvement, learning new skills, or taking up physical activities like sports and exercise.

Many people might also choose to use their newfound free time to travel and explore the world, experiencing new cultures and ways of life. With the burden of work lifted, we would have the opportunity to truly live life on our own terms, doing what brings us joy and fulfillment.

As for whether this would be a more friendly world, it’s possible that the lack of work-related stress and the abundance of free time could lead to a more harmonious and compassionate society. Without the pressure to constantly be productive and achieve financial success, we might be more inclined to focus on building strong, meaningful relationships with others and working towards the greater good.

However, it’s also important to consider that the transition to a world without work might not be easy for everyone. Some people may struggle to find a sense of purpose and meaning without the structure and sense of accomplishment that work provides. It will be important to address these concerns and find ways to support those who might be struggling to adapt to this new way of life.

Overall, the impact of AI on humans will depend on how we choose to utilize and integrate this technology into our lives. It’s important for us to consider both the potential benefits and the potential challenges, and to work towards finding a balance that allows us to make the most of the opportunities presented by AI while minimizing any negative impacts. It’s up to us to embrace the change and make the most of it, finding ways to connect, create, and experience life intensely and intentionally.


  1. “The Benefits of Artificial Intelligence” by Forbes
  2. “The Future of Employment: How Susceptible Are Jobs to Computerisation?” by Oxford University
  3. “What Makes Us Human?” by Psychology Today
  4. “The Future of Education: How Technology Will Transform Learning” by EdTech Magazine
  5. “The Future of Learning: How AI and Personalized Education Will Shape the Classroom” by Forbes
  6. “The Future of Work: How Technology Will Transform the Way We Work and Live” by Entrepreneur
  7. “The Future of Work: Universal Basic Income as a Solution to Automation” by Harvard Business Review
  8. “Embracing the Future of Work in the Age of AI” by Forbes

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