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“Aspire not to have more but to be more. Unleash untapped human potential through Physical, Psychological, Spiritual, and Human experiences”


Personal development & coaching

Education reform, design and implementation

Collaborative innovation ecosystem design

Trends, projects, advisory &

Podcast - de Governance van digitale organisaties

The Higher Purpose...

“"Human beings are members of a whole, in creation of one essence and soul. If one member is afflicted with pain, other members uneasy will remain.” – Sa’adi

The Power of One

What I love to do...

Personal & Business Development
Innovation and Transformation
Future & Trendwatching
Designing Learning Experiences
Network & Build Ecosystems
Travel & Read lots of books
Stare at the stars & wonder
Enjoy the company of curious travelers

Purpose Driven Experience

My purpose-driven mission is to contribute to the continuous development of Autonomous Forward Thinking Global Citizens. Based on the following strong pillars. Humanity, Learning (Personal Growth/Transformation), Science and Technology, Happiness and Success. 

As a generalist, I seek and discover opportunities by following trends and find the signal in the noise. I enjoy getting to know people and organizations searching for solutions to grow and develop their most important asset, which is human potential and capital. Developing personalized journeys to tap into their inner genius and maximize potential realizing transformational experiences. Creating the Forward Thinking Professional.

My motto: Realization is the Creation of Imagination

Human Flourishing

Collaborative Innovation Ecosystems

Learning is the core and at the center of everything we know and don’t know. Ask yourself this question. Can you stop learning? Can you turn it off? We can’t, because we humans are what we are through accumulated knowledge, experience, and wisdom. As we live in extraordinary times where the world is in continuous flux, fueled by exponential, converging, technological breakthroughs, we need to quickly adjust and adapt, better yet transform to new realities, while maintaining our human norms and values. Through the creation of open innovation ecosystems we join forces and bring different stakeholders together to share knowledge, experiences and create innovative solutions.


Reform Education: a future for everyone

I have taken up the challenge to design, develop and execute a completely new human-centered learning and teaching university. Unlocking, amplifying and maximizing our human potential and endowment in a world where automation will dominate. A personal journey with subjects like creativity, imagination, discovery and the so called Human Power Skills such as empathy, compassion, collaboration versus competition, personal development, introspection, meditation will all be part of the new curriculum. Interested to join me on this quest? Let’s connect and make this moonshot happen.


First Principles and Core Values

Different industrial revolutions create different economies and impact society on each and every level. Lives goes around in cycles. I have learned that no matter what happens, whatever challenges we have to face, whatever changes we have to make, we must start with First Principles. Principles in my opinion are laws of nature. Just like gravity, they always work whether we believe it or not. 

Going back to first principles also gives us the opportunity to simplify things. We humans are very good in complicating things. Right now is the time to think of your unique philosophy of life, write down your mission and craft and execute an actionplan. There is no one coming to save us. It is each and every individual’s responsibility to add value and live a meaningful, purposeful and fulfilled life. It all starts with First Principles and Core Human Values. 



Feel free to contact me on speaking, collaboration or advisory activities. 

Let’s craft your personal and unique journey for more meaningful, joyful and blissful experiences

Break the sameness cycle, leave your comfort zone by igniting the fire of your hidden genius and tapping into your inner core potential.